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Message Exchange Package (MEP) Registry & Repository

Want to submit a Message Exchange Package (MEP) to the NIEM Registry and Repository?

You can submit your Message Exchange Package, formerly referred to as IEPD, using our Contact Form. Simply include the title, description, and a link to the archive for our team to review.  

Title Description Communities Organization NIEM Version View Resource
Traffic Citation NIEM 2.0 IEPD

The lifecycle of a Traffic Citation -- colloquially known as a "ticket" -- is increasingly automated as law enforcement agencies courts and records repositories seek to leverage technology in as...

Justice National Center for State Courts 2.0 View Resource
Protection Order NIEM 2.0

Protection Orders are issued by a judicial official to a perpetrator (a/k/a Subject Defendant Restricted Person) with specific guidelines about future contact with a survivor (a/k/a Victim Respondent Protected Person)...

Justice National Center for State Courts 2.0 View Resource
Charge Document NIEM 2.0

A Charge Document is also known as a Charge Filing a Fingerprint Card or a Referral.  Although there are significant state local and tribal variations the typical process is for...

Justice National Center for State Courts 2.0 View Resource
Sentencing Order NIEM 2.0

Although there could be significant variation among states localities and tribes a Sentencing Order is typically intended to be the final judgment following a criminal conviction.  The scope of this...

Justice National Center for State Courts 2.0 View Resource
Disposition Reporting NIEM 2.0

Disposition Reporting is intended to update criminal history repositories and other justice partners with the final resolution of criminal charges.  Given the significant diversity of practice among the states localities...

Justice National Center for State Courts 2.0 View Resource