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NIEMOpen Reveals Its Inaugural Summit

Mark your calendars for a groundbreaking event that promises to redefine the landscape of international information sharing. NIEMOpen proudly announces its inaugural annual summit, the NIEMOpen Reveal, slated to take place from February 18th to 20th, 2025, at the prestigious National Press Club in the heart of Washington, D.C.

NIEMOpen Reaches Out

As the newly formed NIEMOpen management office has begun operations under OASIS Open, there is a need to inform new and existing community members about the changes and opportunities that this transformation brings.  Under OASIS, there is a potential for engaging new communities and data management professionals in the use of NIEMOpen, but only if potential users know what is happening with the NIEMOpen model and processes.

NIEMOpen Recognized by OASIS As A 2022 Open Cup Award Recipient for Outstanding New Initiative

OASIS Open, the international open source and standards consortium, announced the winners of the 2022 Open Cup, which recognizes exceptional advancements within the OASIS technical community. The Open Cup for Outstanding New Initiative was awarded to NIEMOpen, a framework for sharing critical data in justice, public safety, emergency management, intelligence, and security sectors.

NIEM Version 5.2 is now Available

NIEM Version 5.2 is now available for download. This is the latest version of the NIEM common vocabulary that enables efficient information exchanges across diverse public and private organizations. NIEM Version 5.2 incorporates content identified since the NIEM 5.1 minor release was published in December 2021.

NIEM 5.2 Release Candidate 2 is Available for Public Review and Comment

The NIEM 5.2 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) minor release is available for public review and comment. Minor releases allow for domain-related content changes only. The core and architecture remain fixed until the next major release.  Please post comments and feedback to the issue tracker by Monday, December 19, 2022.

NIEM 5.2 RC2 key changes

Biometrics domain

NIEM 5.2 Release Candidate 1 is Available for Public Review and Comment

The NIEM 5.2 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) minor release is available for public review and comment. Minor releases allow for domain-related content changes only. The core and architecture remain fixed until the next major release.  Please post comments and feedback to the issue tracker by Tuesday, December 13, 2022.

NIEM 5.2 RC1 key changes since beta

Learning and Development domain:

NIEM 5.2 Beta 1 is Available for Public Review and Comment

The NIEM 5.2 Beta 1 minor release is available for public review and comment. Minor releases allow for domain-related content changes only. The core and architecture remain fixed until the next major release.  Please post comments and feedback to the issue tracker by Monday, November 14, 2022.  

NIEM 5.2 Beta 1 changes include:

Biometrics domain:

2022 Best of NIEM Award Winners Announced

The Best of NIEM 2022 awards recognize those NIEM implementation projects demonstrating significant accomplishment and making noteworthy contributions to NIEM’s use, growth, and adoption. The Best of NIEM 2022 were presented Thursday, 20 October.

Established in 2009, the awards recognize outstanding NIEM solutions across our international, federal, state, local, and tribal governments, and the private sector communities.

The Best of NIEM 2022 awards were presented to these three organizations:

NIEM to Transition to an OASIS Open Project

This October, NIEM will transition from the U.S. Department of Defense to OASIS, an ANSI-accredited and ISO-recognized standards development organization.  This move creates a path for NIEM to become an official standard in national and international policy and procurement. The inaugural NIEM Open Project Governing Board (PGB) meeting will occur on 20 October in Arlington, Virginia.

Best of NIEM 2022 - Now Accepting Nominations

The NIEM Management Office is pleased to announce that the Best of NIEM 2022 Award nomination period is now open. Each year, the Best of NIEM Award recognizes NIEM implementation projects demonstrating noteworthy contributions to the use, growth, and adoption of NIEM.

NIEM Unveils new Message Exchange Package Builder

The NIEM Management Office unveiled a new Message Exchange Package (MEP) Builder tool on Thursday, March 17th at the NIEM Technical Deep-Dive training session. The MEP Builder is an open-source tool that was built with the NIEM IEPD lifecycle in mind.  “We want to simplify the process to build NIEM message specifications, formerly referred to as IEPDs, and have a tool that guides the user through the stages of the lifecycle”, said Katherine Escobar, NIEM Management Office Executive Director.

NIEM Technical Deep-Dive Distance Learning Registration Open for April

The NIEM Management Office (NMO) is pleased to announce that we will be hosting a 3 half-day training session beginning on April 12, 2022. This 3 day course is open to the NIEM community. This class was designed with NIEM developers and implementers in mind. If you or your team have been looking for free NIEM technical training, now is the time to register to reserve your spot.

NIEM 2021 Annual Report is Available

The 2021 Annual Report is now available.  The annual report provides a summary and highlights of the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Community, including representations from the Executive Steering Council (ESC), NIEM Management Office (NMO), NIEM Business Architecture Committee (NBAC), NIEM Technical Architecture Committee (NTAC), NIEM Domains, and at large membership.  The report provides a year end review of accomplishments as well as priorities for 2022.

NIEM Version 5.1 Release is Now Available

NIEM version 5.1 is now available for download and use. This release is the latest version of the NIEM common vocabulary that enables efficient information exchanges across diverse public and private organizations. NIEM 5.1 is a minor release that incorporates content identified since the NIEM 5.0 major release was published in October 2020. 

Highlights of NIEM 5.1 include:

NIEM Technical Deep-Dive Distance Learning Now Available

The NIEM Management Office (NMO) is pleased to announce that we will be hosting three half day training sessions beginning on January 11, 2022. These sessions will be conducted by our very knowledgeable lead development team and are meant for individuals who want a deep dive into the technical details of NIEM, typically developers and implementers.  Participants should expect to attend all three half days to complete the training.  

NIEM Technical Deep-Dive Distance Learning Now Available

The NIEM Management Office (NMO) is pleased to announce that we will be hosting three half-day training sessions beginning on January 11, 2022. These sessions will be conducted by our very knowledgeable lead development team and are meant for individuals who want a deep dive into the technical details of NIEM, typically developers and implementers.  Participants should expect to attend all three half-days to complete the training.  

NIEM 5.1 Release Candidate 2 Available for Public Review and Comment

The NIEM 5.1 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) is available for public review and comment thru Wednesday, December 8, 2021. Visit the NIEM Releases page for instructions on how to download the RC2 package.  Please provide your feedback by submitting a new issue or by sending an email to

The most recent changes include: