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NYS Pre-Sentence Investigation (PSI)

The 2010 publication of the NYS Pre-Sentence Investigation XML IEPD represents the fifth NIEM-conformant IEPD developed by NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services. Currently, New York State Probation Agencies can contribute Pre-Sentence Investigation Reports in both PDF and NIEM-conformant XML format to the New York State Pre-Sentence Investigation Repository.  The Repository stores this data and makes it available to approved NYS Criminal Justice Agencies via electronic request.  This IEPD (accessible through use of ZIP files) has been created for the New York State Pre-Sentence Investigation NIEM 2.0-Conformant XML report . The schema has been reviewed by subject matter experts but may be revised in the near future as New York State Probation Agencies add additional fields to their Pre-Sentence Investigation Reports.

New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services
NIEM Version
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