NIEM 2019 Face to Face Meeting
The NIEM Annual Face to Face (F2F) Meeting kicks off Monday, October 21. This annual event is hosted by the NIEM Management Office (NMO). The Executive Steering Committee (ESC), NIEM Business Architecture Committee (NBAC), NIEM Technical Architecture Committee (NTAC), Tiger Teams and Lead Developers both collaborate on shared objectives and provide updates to the NIEM governance bodies. The meeting provides an opportunity for our communities to discuss how they use NIEM as well as ways they would like to use NIEM in the future.
With the NIEM 4.2 release going to production soon, the attendees will consider the way ahead for the major 5.0 release. Potential tool updates will be discussed and demonstrated. We anticipate a jam-packed and exciting meeting as we seat the incoming NBAC Co-Chair, hear updates from the ESC, Domain Stewards, New Emerging Technologies Tiger Team leadership, International Tiger Team, and NTAC.
Lastly, but definitely not least, the ESC will present the much anticipated Best of NIEM award for 2019. Stay tuned for that announcement. Follow us on Twitter @NiemConnects.