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NIEM Extends Deadline for 2021 Best of NIEM Award Nominations

The National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) has extended the nomination period for the Best of NIEM 2021 awards to Friday, August 6. Each year, the Best of NIEM Award recognizes NIEM projects demonstrating noteworthy contributions to the use, growth, and adoption of NIEM. We are asking for the NIEM community's help in identifying and recognizing teams that have implemented NIEM in especially interesting, innovative or impactful ways.

Submit a Best of NIEM 2021 Award nomination form now through Friday, August 6. Award winners will be recognized at NIEM’s joint Executive Steering Committee, NIEM Business Architecture Committee, and NIEM Technical Architecture Committee on Tuesday, September 21. 

About the National Information Exchange Model
The National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) provides a model framework with rules and guidance designed to develop consistent, well-defined, enterprise level information exchanges. NIEM successfully supports communities of interest with a shared need to exchange data within federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial agencies, internationally, and in the private sector.

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