Scott Renner
Scott Renner
NTAC Co-Chair
Scott is a principal engineer at The MITRE Corporation. Scott served as the Air Force representative among the authors of the Net-Centric Data Strategy in 2003. He published the first paper describing the "community of interest" concept for data management in 2001, followed by the "COI Handbook", "COI Lessons Learned", and "My Two Cats Are a COI". He has served on three Air Force Scientific Advisory Board study panels: one defining the Joint Battlespace Infosphere (JBI) concept in 1999, another on database migration for C2 in 2001, and the third on domain integration in 2005. Scott received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois in 1990. Scott is the federal co-chair of the NTAC, serving on behalf of the Department of Defense
His favorite thing about NIEM?
"The no-nonsense deliberation on precise, useable technical specifications."