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NIEM 3.0 Alpha 2 Release—Open Public Review!

Since August 2012, the NIEM community has been working on NIEM Version 3.0—the next major release of the NIEM model. The last time we had a major new release was 2007!  NIEM 3.0 is on schedule to launch in fall 2013!

As a community-driven program, NIEM relies on its stakeholders to provide feedback on major developments such as Version 3.0.

So…be sure to mark your calendars and tell your NIEM friends! The anticipated release of NIEM 3.0 Alpha 2 for broad public review is April 19​—stay tuned! 

The community will have access to review the full model, including both NIEM Core and all NIEM Domains. The webpage is dedicated to all things 3.0, including details regarding NIEM 3.0 scope as well as links to step-by-step guidance on how to conduct an Alpha 2 review and how to submit feedback.

Community feedback on Alpha 2 may be provided from April 22–May 6, 2013.

Don’t want to miss an important 3.0 announcement? Register to Stay in the Know for All Things 3.0 here.

Ready to participate in the NIEM 3.0 Alpha 2 review? Great! Start here.