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Success Stories

The value of information-sharing and exchange efforts can best be achieved through the active participation and collaboration of the many organizations involved in serving our nation and the world.

Who Uses NIEM?

The value of information-sharing and exchange efforts can best be achieved through the active participation and collaboration of the many organizations involved in serving our nation and the world.

Submit a Success Story

  • Jail Bookings


    The Hennepin County Jail sends booking information to other criminal justice partner agencies in Hennepin County.

  • Florida Law Enforcement Exchange (FLEX)


    Florida Law Enforcement Exchange (FLEX) is an initiative to establish a single, statewide, information-sharing infrastructure that would conform to NIEM.

  • European Pool against Organized Crime (EPOC) IV PROJECT


    The European Pool against Organized Crime (EPOC) aims to develop tools to support the fight against serious and organized crime. The EPOC IV Experimentation Project started on April 1, 2009, for a three-year period with Eurojust and 10 European Member State Project Partners. The project’s key goal is to “further evolution of the EPOC software to allow the exchange of information with national case management systems (CMSes) and the promotion of its usage in the member states.” One of the five objectives for the EPOC IV project was “drafting of a data standard to exchange data between different

  • Dallas County Secure Data Exchange (DC-DEx)


    The Dallas County Secure Data Exchange (DC-DEx) is a program to improve court processing procedures county-wide by facilitating the electronic exchange of critical incident/offense, arrest, and booking data between law enforcement agencies in Dallas County. DC-DEx will serve as the foundation upon which all future information sharing efforts in the Dallas County regional area will be based, including participation with the FBI National Data Exchange (N-DEx) and other regional, state, and national data sharing efforts.

  • Consortium for the Exchange of Criminal Justice Technology (CONNECT)


    The Consortium for the Exchange of Criminal Justice Technology (CONNECT) is a project initiative by five states (Alabama, Kansas, Nebraska, Tennessee, and Wyoming) which have agreed to pool their collective expertise to make interstate information sharing a reality.