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NIEM 5.0 Release Candidate 6 Available for Public Review and Comment

The NIEM 5.0 release candidate 6 (RC6) is available for public review and comment through Tuesday, 27 October 2020. A couple of changes have been made to CUI components based on RC5 feedback. These are:

  • Updated the type of element nc:EmploymentPayRateAmount from nc:TextType to nc:AmountType (#205)
  • Renamed element it:CustomsValuationAmount as it:CustomsValuation (#205)

Please visit the NIEM Releases page for instructions on how to download the RC6 package. Please provide feedback by submitting a new 5.0 issue or by sending an email to by Tuesday, 27 October 2020 .

At this point in the release cycle, we are working to get to a stable draft and are looking to address errors and bugs only. Other issues can be queued up for the next release. The final release of NIEM 5.0 is scheduled to be published this fall. At that time, 5.0 XML schemas and documentation will be published along with updates to NIEM specifications and tools.